Thursday, June 24, 2010

the stupidity case

yes i have met with an accident which involves a run down van n my very car... the fella was at the traffic light with me side by side.. when the lights turned green.. we were about to turn into a junction as we turn the van all of sudden took over my lane and as fast as my reflexes could i jam the brakes but it was too late the van destroyed my very left hand signal light n made a big mess of my bumper.. that was okay.. as a fellow who was friendly enough to offer a solution to this accident which was by logic was the fella's fault.. there was 5 fella i do not know if they were malay or of any race but they spoke in bahasa.. the young fella wasnt daring enough to come up with the guts to settle this situation so the older guy came down.. and my my was i was so surprised by what he said.. the moment he came to my face he told me: "kawan apa masalah you yang langgar saya, apasal saya kena bayar u".. i was like niamakacauhai ah.. this proof that not all older people are that wise or smart they are just plain stupid.. i was about to come up with going to the police station to make a report.. but then another guy came down and he threaten me that if i was going to file a report he was gonna make it look like i bang him from the side... so i couldnt do anything about in the end i left the scene.. i had a plan thanks to my bro winson who is a knowledgeable guy in this kinda situations.. with some of his advice and ideas i came up with a plan.. i went a report on that night itself after work.. i filed a report on the accident and the threatening case on hold.. if the fella isnt gonna file a report within 24hours his gonna be issued a 300bucks summon.. the damage worth for my car is almost half of the summon... well he got what he asked for.. so i am waiting to see the looks on his face when he gets the summon.. if he isnt gonna cooperate then the next plan will be running.. so i will see how thing goes along.. if you wanna mess with people make sure you know who you are messing with alright stupid people out there.. gd luck to the fellas in the van.. =)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

some replacement parts for the car

oh i have been very busy lately.. so i hadnt have the time to update.. sorry.. well just wanna post on some of the new parts that i have managed to renew my lovely car.. =).. i changed the absorbers, mounting and so on... much have been done and i really hope it will be worth while...

the back old absorber.. see the oil marks... it's already way too spoiled to be call spoiled..

the old front suspension

the new back absorber.. nice and new.. =)

the new front absorbers and lowered spring for the coming new set of rims.. =)

the lowered springs

it's obvious that you can see which mounting is new.. this was the cause of all the noise at the back when i go onto a bump

currently i am very contented with all the changes of new parts into my car.. it feels new to drive and more stable.. all thanks to ah hui ge! his a very nice guy..  any girls who r interested to have your cars fixed till the tip top condition and the best service in the world plz contact me for more into on this nice guy... haha! tq that's all