Friday, February 26, 2010


yes i have visited my car already.. a fair little job was done.. here are some pictures.. well i must say they did quite an impressive job.. they manage to readjust my already uneven front lamps and straighten up my hood till there is no gap in between... great job! there is much more work to do like the skirting(side of the car) and some fenders for the widebody.. at the meantime this is all

this is the back bumper that is about to be mounted in
on the very top is the custom made front bumper..

the lights which are beautifully aligned and the hood which is knocked back to shape
well that's all i have to update about... weilding and paint job is not done yet.. another 2 more weeks till my baby is out... =)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


yes i have very good news! my dad has agreed to sponser me some cash to restore my old lovely iswara.. wooohoooo!!! when she is out from the garage i wil update...

Monday, February 1, 2010

amazing creature!

well i was doing the dishes while my mum was rappin all the way at my ears... giving me a good concert from a VIP seat perspective.. i was enduring the pain the ear while doing the dishes.. then when i was about to hold up the rice cooker to clean the insides.. i saw this creature dwelling at the bottom of the rice cooker.. guess what it was? 
a centipede

yes it was the venomous centipede that appear all the time few years ago... normally if i saw one it was around as tiny as 2cm to 3cm long but nono... this time it was a huge one from all the normal encounter.. it was 6cm to 7cm long... i wonder if someone got bitten how big the swell will get.. so with the eager to understand more on this creatures i capture it and held it captive in a very small jam jar... HAHA! due to boredomness i have been doing some research on how to feed this thingy... so that's all... stay tuned!